Groenlo (G): reformed Oude Calixtus

The reformed Old Calixtus, named thus to to distinguish it
from the catholic 'new' St. Calixtus, is a late-Gothic pseudo-basilica
from the 15th century, but with a history much older than that.
A first church was probably built already in the late-8th
century. This was probably a wooden church and replaced a pagan
sanctuary. When in 1016 the church of Groenlo was appointed
the main church of the region a stone church was built. This church was
replaced after 1234. A tower, which still exists, was added
inthe second half of the 14th century, partly built out of tuff. The
church itself was rebuilt in the late-15th century into a three-aisled
pseudo-basilica in Gothic style. First the choir and the lateral chapel
on its northern side were built, while the nave and side-aisles were
built between 1490 and 1520. Although the church was mostly built out
of bricks, the exterior of the side-aisles were clad with tuff, except
for the eastern parts of the side-aisles which contain irregular bits
of natural stone.
Groenlo was conquered by the protestants in 1627, the catholics lost
their church to the new ruling class. The church survived without many
changes until in 1836 the spire burnt down and was replaced by
the current lantern afterwards. Later that century the outer walls were
covered with plaster to conceal the bad state of the stones. By the
1930's the situation had worsened as pieces of falling plaster took off
bits of stone, and a restoration was planned but stalled. In
1945 an aircraft bomb hit the southern side-aisle and also
destroyed the western trave of the central aisle. In 1946 the much
needed restoration began, which was finally completed in
In 1963 a new restoration began, resulting in a completely
plastered interior. Currently, the nave serves a mostly cultural
purpose, while only the choir is still used as a church. |